How often does this happen to you? You cash your paycheck only to have it disappear. After paying your landlord, insurance guy, utility company, and everyone else, you’re left with next to nothing.
But what if you could hold on to more of your heard-earned money? Pocket some extra in case of emergency? Save hundreds or even thousands a year with these easy-to-implement tips.
1. Mortgage/Rent
Americans typically spend more on housing than anything else. Give yourself a reality check. Do you have more home than you can afford? If so, relocate or find a roommate to share costs. If you’re a homeowner, refinance when interest rates plummet and automate payments so you never face late fees.
2. Auto Insurance
Winning at auto insurance is all about claiming every discount you can. Are you a student? Do you have a short commute? Did you just tie the knot? Get a list of discounts from your agent, and make sure you’re getting every single one that you deserve.
3. Home/Renter’s Insurance
First, raise your deductible to slash your monthly premiums. Then maximize your discounts. Get smoke alarms and a fire extinguisher. Quit smoking. Lose the trampoline. Shop for a pet-friendly policy if your insurer is penalizing you for Mr. Fluffy.
4. Food
Are you a takeout junkie? Swap one meal per week for a homemade dinner. If you’re a fire hazard in the kitchen, pick up a grab-and-go or freezer meal at the grocery store instead. You’re still likely to save big over the major markup of your favorite restaurant.
5. Heating
Are next winter’s heating costs already making you sweat? Heat selectively. Crank down the thermostat when you leave the house and when you burrow into bed. Instead of cooking the whole house, consider using a space heater to warm just the room you’re in.
6. Water
There’s really only one thing that determines how much your water bill will run you – the amount of water you consume. Cut back wherever you can. Install low-flow shower heads, run only full loads of laundry, and water your plants once the sun goes down.
7. Trash & Recycling
If you pay for the privilege of weekly garbage pickup, do some cost comparison. Ask waste management providers about available packages, services included, and discounts. Got minimal mess? Choose the smallest (and cheapest) can size instead of opting for the 100-gallon monster.
8. Cable T.V.
Cable packages can easily run over $100 per month. Take the plunge and cut the cord! Use an antenna to watch local network channels. Visit your favorite show’s website to catch recent episodes totally free. For less than $10 a month, subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime for unlimited binge-watching pleasure.
9. Internet
The easiest way to save is to drop your pricey home Internet entirely. More businesses than ever offer free Wifi. Connect with your device at a local coffee shop, community center, mall, and more. Most libraries offer no-cost access to computers too.
10. Cell Phone
Communicate for free whenever you can! Use a computer for E-mail and chat. Place free phone and video calls through Skype or Google Hangouts. Then choose a cell plan that doesn’t charge you for minutes and data you won’t use.
Instead of being stretched thin by the weight of your monthly bills, give yourself the peace of mind of a growing nest egg. Try some of these money-saving tips today!
Looking to balance your budget? Grab a done-for-you budget binder!
Originally published on ChimpChange’s blog on September 28, 2016
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